Privacy policy.

We understand that the details you provide us are private and personal. It’s important that you feel secure whenever you deal with us. It’s also important that you understand how we protect your privacy, as well as how, when and where we may use your details.

The following is our commitment to you, on what our policies towards your privacy are. You can be confident in the fact that we abide by the National Privacy Principles for the protection of personal information, as set out in the Privacy Act 1988.

What do we mean by “personal information”?

Personal information means any details or opinions about you from which your identity is apparent or your identity can be uncovered.

Why do we collect your personal information?

The main reasons why we would collect personal information about you are:

  • Assess your financial and credit position when you apply for a product or service from another financial institution or with us acting on your behalf.

  • Ensure your security when visiting our website and learn which areas of the site are of most interest to you (see the section ‘cookies’ below).

In both cases, we may use the information we gather to provide targeted and value-added products and services to you through direct marketing. These direct marketing offers and promotions are designed to make your life easier, not harder. So if you do not want to receive them, just let us know when we contact you.

How do we collect your personal information?

Information collected by Kingfisher Finance Group is collected via correspondence from you or your company. This may be via telephone, email, mail, fax or directly through our website.

We will always aim to collect your personal information directly from you. If we cannot do so for some good reason, we may involve another organisation. For example, we may need to request a credit report from a credit reporting agency when we apply for a credit facility. Before doing so or before collecting the information we need, we will inform you of the type of organisations we intend to disclose your personal information.

All correspondence may be collected and stored, particularly regarding sales, support and accounts, including Email.

Why will we disclose information to another organisation?

We want to provide our customers with the very best products and services. Sometimes, we may partner with another organisation to support our products and services. In these situations, or to perform credit checks, we will need to share the personal information you gave us.

As you will appreciate, in certain circumstances, we may be compelled by law to disclose your personal information to various authorities. For instance, we may be required under the Financial Transaction Reports Act to disclose details of financial transactions, and we may also be compelled under tax laws to provide such information. This is to your benefit and helps us to provide the products and services you would expect from The Kingfisher Finance Group.

To whom will we disclose information?

Before we disclose any of your personal information to any other organisation, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that:

  • the organisation has the same commitment as us to the protection of your personal information; and

  • you have consented to us doing so.

By consent, we mean approval in writing, orally, or implied from your dealings with us.

How do we keep your personal information accurate and up to date?

It is important for us, and for you, that the information we hold is accurate and up to date. In this, we rely on you to help us. We ask that you contact us whenever there are any changes to your details so that we can update our records.

Access to your personal information

The information we hold about you is yours to access and correct, and as such, we can provide you with general information, such as your name, address and contact details, quite easily. More detailed information may not be accessible for us to access, and if necessary, a small fee may be charged for the costs of retrieving and supplying the details you want. This process may take up to 20 working days from your request. If you need to access your detailed information, just write to us at the following address:

Kingfisher Finance Group Pty Ltd

181 Latrobe Terrace

Paddington QLD 4064

or email

How long do we keep information about you?

By law, we must hold certain information about you, even after you are no longer a customer. However, after such time you can be assured we will destroy your personal information thoroughly and safely. We may also hold certain information about you if it is needed for a purpose that you are aware of or reasonably expect us to hold it. When that information is no longer needed, it will be destroyed or permanently de-identified.

How safe and secure is the information we hold about you?

We take great care with the information we hold about you. We aim to ensure that any details are securely protected from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. We will take reasonable care to ensure that we keep your information in an accurate, complete and up-to-date manner. When that information is no longer needed, it will be permanently destroyed or de-identified.